I have written some thoughts about how I got here and why I ended up creating a new small static site generator. Thinking about really, it I hardly pu

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Style Pass
2024-06-08 16:00:04

I have written some thoughts about how I got here and why I ended up creating a new small static site generator. Thinking about really, it I hardly puts my reflective choice of building this in the category of "not invented here". I had an itch. I scratched it.

The generated HTML can be structured how you wish it to be, really. The HTML is rendered by executing a Razor view, by default each view has a model. Index.cshtml looks like this.

It is said that very few developers actually reads code they are depended on, so based on that sentiment I will share some pointers with a brief technical documentation.

The solution is based on several projects. Only the Rubin.Static.Console has multiple dependencies to inter-solution projects. Rubin.Static.Console relies on both Rubin.Static and Rubin.Markdown.

You can use the API as a "stand-alone" API if you wish to utilize it from somewhere else than this solution. There is an extenstion method you can use for this.

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