Discord Messenger is a messenger application designed to be compatible with Discord, while being backwards compatible with down to Windows 2000 (altho

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2024-05-09 01:00:03

Discord Messenger is a messenger application designed to be compatible with Discord, while being backwards compatible with down to Windows 2000 (although support for even older versions has been attempted).

If you want to have a quick attempt, you can use the following distribution: https://web.archive.org/web/20211215214922/https://slproweb.com/download/Win32OpenSSL-3_0_1.exe

Add an entry to your user/system environment variables called OPENSSL_INSTALL. Set its value to the place where your OpenSSL distribution is located.

If you want to use a later version of libwebp, acquire libwebp from the following web site: https://developers.google.com/speed/webp/download. Extract the archive and place "libwebp.lib" in vs/libs.

Set OPENSSL_INC_DIR and OPENSSL_LIB_DIR in your environment variables to your OpenSSL include and library directories. If you want to remember the paths, edit the Makefile to use those as your defaults (but make sure to not check in your change when sending a PR!)

If you wish to use Shining Light Productions' distribution of OpenSSL-Win32, use the %OPENSSL_INSTALL%/include and %OPENSSL_INSTALL%/lib/MinGW directories for the include and lib dirs respectively.

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