eDEX-UI is a fullscreen, cross-platform terminal emulator and system monitor that looks and feels like a sci-fi computer interface. Heavily inspired f

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2024-04-03 18:00:03

eDEX-UI is a fullscreen, cross-platform terminal emulator and system monitor that looks and feels like a sci-fi computer interface.

Heavily inspired from the TRON Legacy movie effects (especially the Board Room sequence), the eDEX-UI project was originally meant to be "DEX-UI with less « art » and more « distributable software »".

While keeping a futuristic look and feel, it strives to maintain a certain level of functionality and to be usable in real-life scenarios, with the larger goal of bringing science-fiction UXs to the mainstream.

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Click on the little badges under the eDEX logo at the top of this page, or go to the Releases tab, or download it through one of the available repositories (Homebrew, AUR...).

Search through the Issues to see if yours has already been reported. If you're confident it hasn't been reported yet, feel free to open up a new one. If you see your issue and it's been closed, it probably means that the fix for it will ship in the next version, and you'll have to wait a bit.

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