This project aims to re-implement Microsoft's long-deprecated DirectMusic API available in early Direct3D and DirectX versions. It is currently under

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Style Pass
2024-06-08 10:30:09

This project aims to re-implement Microsoft's long-deprecated DirectMusic API available in early Direct3D and DirectX versions. It is currently under heavy development at this time and might be unstable for some use-cases.

If you tested other games, please let me know. If you own any games with .dls, .sty and .sgt files in the data folders, and you want to contribute, please contact me as well or open an issue.

To build this project, you will need a C11-capable C compiler (like gcc or clang) and CMake 3.10 or newer. Linux, macOS and Windows are supported, but I can only assist with compilation error in a limited fashion on platforms other than Linux.

You will find the library and executable files in the build and build/examples directories. Note that the example only works on systems providing the <unistd.h> and <sys/stat.h> headers.

Here's how you play back a segment. This example works on POSIX only since it uses <sys/stat.h> for the file resolver. On Windows, you simply need to replace dm_resolve_file with a Windows-compatible implementation.

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