⚠️ Disclaimer: RustyNum is currently a work in progress and is not recommended for production use. Features may be unstable and subject to change.

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2024-09-16 19:00:07

⚠️ Disclaimer: RustyNum is currently a work in progress and is not recommended for production use. Features may be unstable and subject to change.

RustyNum is a high-performance numerical computation library written in Rust, created to demonstrate the potential of Rust's SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) capabilities using the nightly portable_simd feature, and serving as a fast alternative to Numpy.

RustyNum leverages Rust's portable_simd feature to achieve significant performance improvements in numerical computations. On a MacBook Pro M1 Pro, RustyNum outperforms Numpy in several key operations. Below are benchmark results comparing RustyNum 0.1.4 with Numpy 1.24.4:

These results demonstrate RustyNum's potential for high-performance numerical computations, particularly in operations where SIMD instructions can be fully leveraged.

In addition to the Python bindings, RustyNum’s core library is implemented in Rust. Below is a comparison of RustyNum (rustynum_rs) with two popular Rust numerical libraries: nalgebra 0.33.0 and ndarray 0.16.1. The benchmarks were conducted using the Criterion crate to measure performance across various basic operations.

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