The open letter is very vague at some points. It tries to outline some real issues that require years of context to fully grasp. Without having this n

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Style Pass
2024-04-28 09:30:13

The open letter is very vague at some points. It tries to outline some real issues that require years of context to fully grasp. Without having this necessary context - it is very hard to follow some of the points made, and evidence seems very poor.

This repository aims to list some key points that are easy to understand without all of the context. This is a compilation of damning evidence for Eelco's leadership, essentially.

Graham Christensen has written on Twitter that he believes that military-technology companies should be allowed to participate in the community so that they don’t fork the project.

Anduril is not forbidden to contribute to Nix. People take issue with Anduril sponsoring the main Nix community event. This sponsorship isn't the same as just donating money. The sponsors of the main community event are understood to be very close to values of the project. Anduril, a military tech company, does not represent the values of the project.

Unlike donation or contribution, being a sponsor comes with many strings attached. Sponsors are commonly given a special shoutout: that would make NixCon advertise and endorce Anduril. Anduril is not only a commercial company, it's also very controversial: it contracts for the US Military, and it also develops software to prevent people from crossing US-Mexican border. This is a very political and controversial business to have, and NixCon directly associating itself with Anduril sponsorship means that the project supports the values of Anduril.

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