This repo, named LivePortrait, contains the official PyTorch implementation of our paper LivePortrait: Efficient Portrait Animation with Stitching and

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2024-07-04 18:30:06

This repo, named LivePortrait, contains the official PyTorch implementation of our paper LivePortrait: Efficient Portrait Animation with Stitching and Retargeting Control. We are actively updating and improving this repository. If you find any bugs or have suggestions, welcome to raise issues or submit pull requests (PR) 💖.

Download our pretrained LivePortrait weights and face detection models of InsightFace from Google Drive or Baidu Yun. We have packed all weights in one directory 😊. Unzip and place them in ./pretrained_weights ensuring the directory structure is as follows:

If the script runs successfully, you will get an output mp4 file named animations/s6--d0_concat.mp4. This file includes the following results: driving video, input image, and generated result.

Note: the listed values of Stitching and Retargeting Modules represent the combined parameter counts and the total sequential inference time of three MLP networks.

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