Tired of digital clutter? Overwhelmed by disorganized files scattered across your computer? Let AI do the heavy lifting! The Local File Organizer is y

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Style Pass
2024-09-21 23:30:03

Tired of digital clutter? Overwhelmed by disorganized files scattered across your computer? Let AI do the heavy lifting! The Local File Organizer is your personal organizing assistant, using cutting-edge AI to bring order to your file chaos - all while respecting your privacy.

This intelligent file organizer harnesses the power of advanced AI models, including language models (LMs) and vision-language models (VLMs), to automate the process of organizing files by:

Understanding the content of your files (text, images, and more) to generate relevant descriptions, folder names, and filenames.

The best part? All AI processing happens 100% on your local device using the Nexa SDK. No internet connection required, no data leaves your computer, and no AI API is needed - keeping your files completely private and secure.

For detailed installation instructions of Nexa SDK for CUDA and AMD GPU support, please refer to the Installation section in the main README.

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