QMedia is an open-source multimedia AI content search engine , provides rich information extraction methods for text/image and short video content. It

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2024-06-06 12:30:06

QMedia is an open-source multimedia AI content search engine , provides rich information extraction methods for text/image and short video content. It integrates unstructured text/image and short video information to build a multimodal RAG content Q&A system. The aim is to share and exchange ideas on AI content creation in an open-source manner. issues

Deployment of various types of models locally Separation from the RAG application layer, making it easy to replace different models Local model lifecycle management, configurable for manual or automatic release to reduce server load

QMedia services: Depending on resource availability, they can be deployed locally or the model services can be deployed in the cloud

Replace the contents in assets and delete the historically stored db file. assets/medias contains image/video files, which can be replaced with your own image/video files. assets/mm_pseudo_data.json contains content card data, which can be replaced with your own content card data. After running the service, the model will automatically extract the information and store it in the db.

Can use the mm_server local image/text/video information extraction service independently. It can be used as a standalone image encoding, text encoding, video transcription extraction, and image OCR service, accessible via API in any scenario.

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