So we all know the classic Dead Internet Theory, and if you're reading this I assume you at least know what an LLM is. Need I say much more? Yeah of c

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Style Pass
2024-04-25 17:00:09

So we all know the classic Dead Internet Theory, and if you're reading this I assume you at least know what an LLM is. Need I say much more? Yeah of course!

This is a little project I threw together in a couple hours that lets you surf a completely fake web! You run a search query in the only non-generated page / and it generates a search results page with fake links that lead to fake websites that lead to more fake websites! It's not perfect, not by a long shot, but it works well enough for me to spend like an hour just going through it and laughing at what it makes.

If you encounter any issues with the search results page, reload and it'll generate a new page. If you get any issues with the other generated pages then try make slight adjustments to the URL to get a different page, right now there isn't yet a way to regenerate a page.

Also when you navigate to the /_export path or kill the server, the JSON of your current internet will be saved to the file internet.json in the root of the project. Right now you can't load it back yet but maybe I'll add that in the future if I want, or you could fork it and add it yourself the code isn't very complicated at all.

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