TNO developed WuppieFuzz, a coverage-guided REST API fuzzer developed on top of LibAFL, targeting a wide audience of end-users, with a strong focus on ease-of-use, explainability of the discovered flaws and modularity. WuppieFuzz supports all three settings of testing (black box, grey box and white box).
Additionally, you must supply WuppieFuzz with an OpenAPI-specification so it knows how to generate and mutate its requests. For help on the command line arguments, use the following:
For example, to run WuppieFuzz against a Java target with the JaCoCo agent attached, you specify its OpenAPI file (containing the URL the target is running on in the API specification). In addition, you specify that the coverage format is JaCoCo, and give the classes directory as follows:
If you want to use a configuration file instead of/in combination with command line arguments, you can use the flag --config <CONFIG_FILE>. In case you use command line arguments in combination with a configuration file, command line arguments take precedence.