This is a working collection of tools to model the appearance of fabrics. Most of the code is based on Mitsuba and we occasionally use Blender to visu

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2024-05-16 01:00:04

This is a working collection of tools to model the appearance of fabrics. Most of the code is based on Mitsuba and we occasionally use Blender to visualize things.

SpongeCake (see citation below) is a popular BSDF that has been used a lot for cloth. I have a work-in-progress implementation in

In the image below, each row is for a different alpha, their roughness parameter, taking values 0.1, 0.5, 1.0. Each column is for a different optical_depth, taking values 1.0, 3.0, 5.0. Please note that we use the surface version of the SGGX distribution function i.e. S = diag([alpha**2, alpha**2, 1]) here.

Note that what we call optical_depth is really the product T\rho from their equations. This is what they are calling just T in their figures.

Here, we show our implementation of the SGGX distribution function and contrast it with the one in the original paper (see citation below).

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