I'm making this prototype open to let others try it out and to explore some questions, figure out how to fix obvious design and usage issues, and to s

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2024-04-18 02:00:30

I'm making this prototype open to let others try it out and to explore some questions, figure out how to fix obvious design and usage issues, and to see what ideas other people might have.

If you're interested in just quickly playing around with the prototype, I'd recommend downloading the jar and running it that way. It's also not too hard to clone the repository and run the code yourself if you're used to using Clojure's CLI tool. Finally, if you're a Clojure dev, it could be fun to use badspreadsheet as a library and really poke around.

After starting badspreadsheet, you can open your browser to the proper localhost port. There are a few cells with explanations for usage there. Here are the tables as well:

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