Built with <15 files of fully documented Verilog, complete documentation on architecture & ISA, working matrix addition/multiplication kernels,

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2024-04-25 06:00:07

Built with <15 files of fully documented Verilog, complete documentation on architecture & ISA, working matrix addition/multiplication kernels, and full support for kernel simulation & execution traces.

If you want to learn how a CPU works all the way from architecture to control signals, there are many resources online to help you.

While there are lots of resources to learn about GPU programming, there's almost nothing available to learn about how GPU's work at a hardware level.

The best option is to go through open-source GPU implementations like Miaow and VeriGPU and try to figure out what's going on. This is challenging since these projects aim at being feature complete and functional, so they're quite complex.

Specifically, with the trend toward general-purpose GPUs (GPGPUs) and ML-accelerators like Google's TPU, tiny-gpu focuses on highlighting the general principles of all of these architectures, rather than on the details of graphics-specific hardware.

With this motivation in mind, we can simplify GPUs by cutting out the majority of complexity involved with building a production-grade graphics card, and focus on the core elements that are critical to all of these modern hardwareaccelerators.

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