Got a code base? Want an automatic bug detector that runs during your CI stage on GitHub? For free? Just follow the installation step below. ✅ Using

GitHub - agamm/unbug: Unbug your code via GitHub CI and OpenAI

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Style Pass
2023-06-04 17:30:05

Got a code base? Want an automatic bug detector that runs during your CI stage on GitHub? For free? Just follow the installation step below.

✅ Using GPT 3.5 Turbo (waiting for GPT4). ✅ Integrated with GitHub CI. ✅ Use your own OpenAI key. ✅ Hostable for free on

I'm the creator of a developer trends newsletter (3,500+ subs). A few months ago I thought about jumping the LMM hype train and creating some DevTool in the space. At the time there wasn't a single GitHub marketplace app that tackled bug detection (at least not using LLMs). So I decided to build it.

As time passed I started seeing Co-Pilot suggesting they would also get into the CI space and then saw others joining the marketplace. So I decided to give my code for free. Also, there is no reason to create a product that doesn't give 10x value. I believe this still has value, but not 10x like initially thought.

Deploy to your favorite provider, I'm using render: a. Create a new web service (free could also work). b. Connect it to your repo. c. Fill out the form, and make sure to change the following:

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