Weztermocil allows you to setup pre-configured layouts of windows and panes in Wezterm, having each open in a specified directory and execute specifie

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2024-04-03 13:30:18

Weztermocil allows you to setup pre-configured layouts of windows and panes in Wezterm, having each open in a specified directory and execute specified commands. You do this by writing YAML files to save your layouts.

This project was inspired by Teamocil and iTermocil, and was designed to be able to use your existing Teamocil and iTermocil configuration files.

Alternatively, if you have a weztermocil.yml file in the current directory you can simply run weztermocil and it will use that file, so you can have files inside your projects and sync via Github etc:

You can also add local layouts to a project by adding a .weztermocil directory. When calling weztermocil --list, you'll see the available layouts in the current directory listed as well.

To get autocompletion when typing weztermocil <Tab> in a fish session, add the following file ~/.config/fish/completions/weztermocil.fish with the following content:

This was heavily inspired by Teamocil and iTermocil. Without these 2 projects, I wouldn't have decided to make the same thing for Wezterm.

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