The WalktourLogic object aims to provide custom renderers with as much functionality as possible by exposing basic functions and data that the tour us

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Style Pass
2024-09-28 07:00:04

The WalktourLogic object aims to provide custom renderers with as much functionality as possible by exposing basic functions and data that the tour uses to operate. All custom renderers are responsible for implementing the various WalktourOptions to their desired degree. For instance, a customFooterRenderer might choose to ignore the disableClose option, or to always display "back" instead of the specified prevLabel.

*If any customFunc is specified, that custom function will replace the respective function in the WalktourLogic object, with the default logic passed as arguments to the custom functions. This means that a customNextFunc could look like this:

It's especially important to call close() if providing customCloseFunc, since there are cleanup events which are handled by the default close() call.

**All options available for a Step object will be provided in the WalktourLogic object, even if those options haven't been specified for a particular step. For instance, if the maskPadding option is passed to Walktour itself, but not to any individual step, each step's WalktourObject will still have the most relevant value for maskPadding as part of its stepContent.

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