Atlas is a geoip HTTP service built in Rust, designed to simplify IP GeoLocation by automatically managing MaxMind databases. It ensures that users ha

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2024-05-09 04:00:06

Atlas is a geoip HTTP service built in Rust, designed to simplify IP GeoLocation by automatically managing MaxMind databases. It ensures that users have up-to-date IP data without the hassle of manual downloads and updates. This tool is perfect for services who need reliable and fast IP GeoLocation lookup in their applications using a very simple HTTP API.

Same image can be used for deploying Atlas to Kubernetes or other orchestration platforms. By default, the databases will be saved at /opt/atlas/db directory. It is recommended to mount this path to a persistant storage medium to avoid downloading a new DB on every restart.

Firstly, make sure you have rustc and cargo installed. Then after cloning the repository you can simply run the following command to build a release binary to use in your service.

You can find the release binaries at target/release/atlas. Then you can run atlas by running ./target/release/atlas in your terminal. Make sure that the DB_PATH directory already exists otherwise atlas crashes on startup.

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