This repo is a

alpinejs / alpine

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Style Pass
2021-07-02 05:00:05

This repo is a "mono-repo" using npm workspaces for managing the packages. Each package has its own folder in the /packages directory.

Rather than having to run separate builds for each package, all package bundles are handled with the same command: npm run build

The compiled JS files (as a result of running npm run [build/watch]) to be included as a <script> tag for example are stored in each package's packages/[package]/dist directory.

Each package should at least have: a "cdn" build that is self-initializing and can be included using the src attribute in a <script defer> tag, and a module.[esm/cjs].js file that is used for importing as a JS module (cjs for node, esm for everything else).

The bundling for Alpine V3 is handled exclusively by ESBuild. All of the configuration for these builds is stored in the scripts/build.js file.

If you wish to only run Jest tests, you can run npm run jest like normal and target specific tests. You can specify command line config options to forward to the jest command with -- like so: npm run jest -- --watch

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