hackernews_tui is written in Rust with the help of Cursive TUI library. It uses HN Algolia APIs and HN Official APIs to get Hacker News data.
The below sections will list the application's default shortcuts, which can be customized by changing the key mappings in the user's config file.
For more information about configuring the application's key mappings or defining custom shortcuts, please refer to the config documentation.
For further information about the application's configurations, please refer to the example config file and the config documentation.
By default, the authentication file should be inside the same folder as the the general configuration file (hn-tui.toml), which can be configured by specifying the -a or --auth option.
By default, the application creates the hn-tui.log log file inside the user's cache directory, which can be configured by specifying the -l or --log option.