It's not done yet, but if you want to build it anyways, go ahead! You will need glad, glfw, stb_image & glm. And to build example 07, you will als

baguettebaguette / brasterd Public

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Style Pass
2022-01-13 07:30:08

It's not done yet, but if you want to build it anyways, go ahead! You will need glad, glfw, stb_image & glm. And to build example 07, you will also need tinyobjloader.

It is, that's because it's a software renderer. Maybe I will add some kind of concurrency in the future, but it is not my major concern now. There's still a lot to be done, for example framebuffer & alpha compositing.

Oh it is. So long as you implement all functions in Window.h, which is the only file where platform code exists, it's gonna work. Maybe I will turn it into a cmake project in the future, I dunno.

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