You can download the latest version here. This will download a file called Stats.dmg. Open it and move the app to the application folder. Sensors data

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Style Pass
2024-11-25 21:00:12

You can download the latest version here. This will download a file called Stats.dmg. Open it and move the app to the application folder.

Sensors data on the first generation of M1 mac could be obtained only from HID services. It's disabled by default because it consumes a lot of CPU and energy. You can enable it in the Sensors module settings with the option HID sensors.

The CPU frequency is available only on Intel-based macs. You need to have installed Intel Power Gadget (IPG) for that. It allows receiving the CPU frequency from the IPG driver. There is no way to obtain a CPU frequency on Apple silicon macs.

Stats tries to be efficient as it's possible. But reading some data periodically is not a cheap task. Each module has its own "price". So, if you want to reduce energy impact from the Stats you need to disable some Stats modules. The most inefficient modules are Sensors and Bluetooth. Disabling these modules could reduce CPU usage and power efficiency by up to 50% in some cases.

Most probably because it's a duplicated issue and there is an answer to the question, report, or proposition. Please use a search by closed issues to get an answer. So, if your issue was closed without any response, most probably it already has a response.

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