Nunu is a scaffolding tool for building Go applications. Its name comes from a game character in League of Legends, a little boy riding on the shoulde

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2024-04-03 18:30:05

Nunu is a scaffolding tool for building Go applications. Its name comes from a game character in League of Legends, a little boy riding on the shoulders of a Yeti. Just like Nunu, this project stands on the shoulders of giants, as it is built upon a combination of popular libraries from the Go ecosystem. This combination allows you to quickly build efficient and reliable applications.

Nunu adopts a classic layered architecture. In order to achieve modularity and decoupling, it uses the dependency injection framework Wire.

cmd: This module contains the entry points of the application, which perform different operations based on different commands, such as starting the server or executing database migrations. Each sub-module has a main.go file as the entry file, as well as wire.go and wire_gen.go files for dependency injection.

config: This module contains the configuration files for the application, providing different configurations for different environments, such as development and production.

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