The Edge-CSRF library helps you to implement the signed double submit cookie pattern except it only uses edge runtime dependencies so it can be used i

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Style Pass
2024-04-24 12:30:10

The Edge-CSRF library helps you to implement the signed double submit cookie pattern except it only uses edge runtime dependencies so it can be used in both node environments and in edge functions (e.g. Vercel Edge Functions, Cloudflare Page Functions). The recommended way to use this library is via its drop-in integrations for Next.js and SvelteKit though it also has a lower-level API for more custom implementations.

Now, all HTTP submission requests (e.g. POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH) will be rejected if they do not include a valid CSRF token. To add the CSRF token to your forms, you can fetch it from the X-CSRF-Token HTTP response header server-side or client-side. For example:

Now, all HTTP submission requests (e.g. POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH) will be rejected if they do not include a valid CSRF token. To add the CSRF token to your forms, you can fetch it from the event's locals data object server-side. For example:

Edge-CSRF uses jest for testing (via vitest). To run the tests in node, edge and miniflare environments, use the test-all command:

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