WebAssembly bindings to read and write the Apache Parquet format to and from Apache Arrow using the Rust parquet and arrow crates. Including read and

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2024-04-22 15:30:11

WebAssembly bindings to read and write the Apache Parquet format to and from Apache Arrow using the Rust parquet and arrow crates.

Including read and write support and all compression codecs, the brotli-compressed WASM bundle is 1.2 MB. Refer to custom builds for how to build a smaller bundle. A minimal read-only bundle without compression support can be as small as 456 KB brotli-compressed.

Parquet-wasm has both a synchronous and asynchronous API. The sync API is simpler but requires fetching the entire Parquet buffer in advance, which is often prohibitive.

Both sync and async functions return or accept a Table class, an Arrow table in WebAssembly memory. Refer to its documentation for moving data into/out of WebAssembly.

The esm entry point is the primary entry point. It is the default export from parquet-wasm, and is also accessible at parquet-wasm/esm and parquet-wasm/esm/parquet_wasm.js (for symmetric imports directly from a browser).

Note that when using the esm bundles, you must manually initialize the WebAssembly module before using any APIs. Otherwise, you'll get an error TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined. There are multiple ways to initialize the WebAssembly code:

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