Navigating through a big codebase is hard, especially when you are just learning it. IDEs make it simpler, but they do not show the

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Style Pass
2024-07-05 15:30:04

Navigating through a big codebase is hard, especially when you are just learning it. IDEs make it simpler, but they do not show the "real" project structure, with all inter-module dependencies and such. rust-ontologist comes to the rescue: it generates a structure, or ontology, of any Rust project, and visualizes it in an interactive browser window.

rust-ontologist is fast enough to handle a project of any scale, including the Rust compiler itself, which we demonstrate below.

Just fork the repository, work in your own branch, and open a pull request on master. When submitting changes, please prefer rebasing the branch to keep the commit history as clean as possible.

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