1. Accurate Tone Color Cloning. OpenVoice can accurately clone the reference tone color and generate speech in multiple languages and accents. 2. Flex

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2024-04-25 18:30:15

1. Accurate Tone Color Cloning. OpenVoice can accurately clone the reference tone color and generate speech in multiple languages and accents.

2. Flexible Voice Style Control. OpenVoice enables granular control over voice styles, such as emotion and accent, as well as other style parameters including rhythm, pauses, and intonation.

3. Zero-shot Cross-lingual Voice Cloning. Neither of the language of the generated speech nor the language of the reference speech needs to be presented in the massive-speaker multi-lingual training dataset.

2. Native Multi-lingual Support. English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Japanese and Korean are natively supported in OpenVoice V2.

OpenVoice has been powering the instant voice cloning capability of myshell.ai since May 2023. Until Nov 2023, the voice cloning model has been used tens of millions of times by users worldwide, and witnessed the explosive user growth on the platform.

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