A simple, yet elegant markup language for defining AI Prompts as Code (APaC). Built to be used by AI agents to automatically prompt for other AI syste

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2024-05-06 06:00:03

A simple, yet elegant markup language for defining AI Prompts as Code (APaC). Built to be used by AI agents to automatically prompt for other AI systems.

The architecture is shown as below. A PromptML prompt can be version controlled like any other code file. Using promptml parser package, one can easily generate a natural language prompt, and execute it against a LLM. See examples for using promptml library package: open examples

PromptML is built to provide a way for prompt engineers to define the AI prompts in a deterministic way. This is a Domain Specific Language (DSL) which defines characteristics of a prompt including context, objective, instructions and it's metadata. A regular prompt is an amalgamation of all these aspects into one entity. PromptML splits it into multiple sections and makes the information explicit.

The language is simple. You start blocks with @ section annotation. A section ends with @end marker. Comments are started with # key. The prompt files ends with .pml extension.

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