The DIY self-hosted LinkTree alternative. LittleLink has more than 100 branded button styles you can easily use, with more regularly added by our comm

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Style Pass
2024-04-20 01:00:03

The DIY self-hosted LinkTree alternative. LittleLink has more than 100 branded button styles you can easily use, with more regularly added by our community in this repo and in LittleLink Extended.

LittleLink offers both light and dark themes right out of the box. If the default color schemes don't match your preference, you can easily customize them by updating the values in skeleton-light.css or skeleton-dark.css. For those who prefer an automatic adjustment, setting your CSS to skeleton-auto.css enables the theme to adapt based on the device's system settings. To enhance visual accessibility in both light and dark modes, buttons lacking sufficient contrast with the background are outlined with an inverse stroke to ensure visibility. While LittleLink emphasizes accessibility, it's important to acknowledge that not all brands incorporated into LittleLink achieve this standard. Branded buttons that come into LittleLink always retain the original essence of the brand and some branded buttons might fall short of optimal accessibility in terms of contrast.

LittleLink epitomizes simplicity and minimalism. When evaluating the LittleLink sample page (which mirrors a typical LittleLink setup for an individual) through tools such as Google PageSpeed Insights, showcases LittleLink's excellence with 100/100 in Performance, Accessibility, Best Practices, and SEO. My initial vision for LittleLink was to craft it from the fundamentals. I chose Skeleton as the foundation, enabling me to create something minimal and quick, removing the unnecessary bloat you would get from using a large framework for a page that requires nothing more than simplicity.

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