I've implemented enough of the BIOS functions to run simple binaries, including Microsoft BASIC, but I've not implemented any notion of disk-based acc

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Style Pass
2024-04-28 11:30:03

I've implemented enough of the BIOS functions to run simple binaries, including Microsoft BASIC, but I've not implemented any notion of disk-based access. (i.e. Opening, reading/writing, and closing files is absolutely fine, but any API call that refers to tracks, sectors, or disks will fail.)

If you launch cpmulator with no arguments then the integrated CCP ("console command processor") will be launched, dropping you into a familiar shell:

You can also launch a binary directly by specifying it's path upon the command-line, followed by any optional arguments that the binary accepts or requires:

By default when you launch cpmulator with no arguments you'll be presented with the CCP interface, with A: as the current drive. In this mode A:, B:, C:, and all other drives, will refer to the current-working directory where you launched the emulator from (i.e. they have the same view of files). This is perhaps the most practical way to get started, but it means that files are unique across drives:

If you prefer you may configure drives to be distinct, each drive referring to a distinct sub-directory upon the host system (i.e. the machine you're running on):

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