You can download the latest stable from Releases or download workflow artifacts from Github Actions to try this app based on latest commits. This soft

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submited by
Style Pass
2024-10-25 21:30:05

You can download the latest stable from Releases or download workflow artifacts from Github Actions to try this app based on latest commits.

This software creates a folder $"{System.Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData}/SourceGit", which is platform-dependent, to store user settings, downloaded avatars and crash logs.

winget will install this software as a commandline tool. You need run SourceGit from console or Win+R at the first time. Then you can add it to the taskbar.

This software supports using OpenAI or other AI service that has an OpenAI comaptible HTTP API to generate commit message. You need configurate the service in Preference window.

This app will try to find those tools based on some pre-defined or expected locations automatically. If you are using one portable version of these tools, it will not be detected by this app. To solve this problem you can add a file named external_editors.json in app data dir and provide the path directly. For example:

Everyone is welcome to submit a PR. Please make sure your PR is based on the latest develop branch and the target branch of PR is develop.

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