Thread is a Jupyter Notebook that combines the experience of OpenAI's code interpreter with the familiar development environment of a Python notebook.

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2024-06-10 14:00:02

Thread is a Jupyter Notebook that combines the experience of OpenAI's code interpreter with the familiar development environment of a Python notebook. With Thread, you can use natural language to generate cells, edit code, ask questions or fix errors all while being able to edit or re-run code as you would in a regular Jupyter Notebook.

These are some of the features we are hoping to launch in the next few month. If you have any suggestions or would like to see a feature added, please don't hesitate to open an issue or reach out to us via email or discord.

Eventually we hope to integrate Thread into a cloud platform that can support collaboration features as well hosting of notebooks as web application. If this sounds interesting to you, we are looking for enterprise design partners to partner with and customize the solution for. If you're interested, please reach out to us via email or join our waitlist.

To run the repo in development mode, you need to run two terminal commands. One will run Jupyter Server, the other will run the NextJS front end.

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