swiftly is a CLI tool for installing, managing, and switching between Swift toolchains, written in Swift. swiftly itself is designed to be extremely e

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2024-06-11 21:00:08

swiftly is a CLI tool for installing, managing, and switching between Swift toolchains, written in Swift. swiftly itself is designed to be extremely easy to install and get running, and its command interface is intended to be flexible while also being simple to use. The overall experience is inspired by and meant to feel reminiscent of the Rust toolchain manager rustup.

Right now, swiftly is in the very early stages of development and is only supported on Linux, but the long term plan is to also support macOS. For more detailed information about swiftly's intended features and implementation, check out the design document.

If a patch version isn't specified, swiftly will look up and install the latest patch version that matches the minor version provided:

If the date isn't specified, swiftly will look up and install the latest snapshot associated with the provided development branch:

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