Merecat started out as a pun at Mongoose, but is now useful for actual web serving purposes.  It is however not a real Meerkat, merely yet another cop

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2024-10-13 19:30:05

Merecat started out as a pun at Mongoose, but is now useful for actual web serving purposes. It is however not a real Meerkat, merely yet another copycat, forked from the great thttpd created by Jef Poskanzer.

Merecat is available as free/open source software under the simplified 2-clause BSD license. For more information, see the manual page merecat(8), or the FAQ.

The rest of this README covers some basic functions and recommendations. For more in-depth use-case examples, see the following HowTos:

Setting up virtual hosts on a server can be a bit of a hassle with other web servers. With Merecat you simply create directories for each host in the web server root:

Now the web server root, /var/www/, no longer serves files, only virtual host directories do, execpt for the shared files in icons/, cgi-bin/, and errors/.

There are many tricks to optimizing the performance of your web server. One of the most important ones is browser caching. Merecat supports both ETag: and Cache-Control:, however to enable the latter you need to define the max-age setting in /etc/merecat.conf:

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