NEAT (NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies) is a popular neuroevolution algorithm, one of the few such algorithms that evolves the architectures of

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2024-05-06 22:00:09

NEAT (NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies) is a popular neuroevolution algorithm, one of the few such algorithms that evolves the architectures of its networks in addition to the weights. For more information, see this research paper:

HyperNEAT is an extension to NEAT that indirectly encodes the weights of the network (called the substrate) with a separate network (called a CPPN, for compositional pattern-producing network). For more information on HyperNEAT, see this website:

Adaptive HyperNEAT is an extension to HyperNEAT which indirectly encodes both the initial weights and an update rule for the weights such that some learning can occur during a network's "lifetime." For more information, see this research paper:

PyTorch NEAT builds upon NEAT-Python by providing some functions which can turn a NEAT-Python genome into either a recurrent PyTorch network or a PyTorch CPPN for use in HyperNEAT or Adaptive HyperNEAT. We also provide some environments in which to test NEAT and Adaptive HyperNEAT, and a more involved example using the CPPN infrastructure with Adaptive HyperNEAT on a T-maze.

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