Nowadays, if you're aiming for a smooth Chrome extension development experience complete with features like HMR, there's no need to hunt for scaffoldi

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2024-09-23 11:00:06

Nowadays, if you're aiming for a smooth Chrome extension development experience complete with features like HMR, there's no need to hunt for scaffolding or custom solutions. Rsbuild, with its simple configuration, is more than enough. In my opinion, it's currently the best build tool for the job.

Rspack recently released its official version. As the name suggests, it's a high-performance build tool written in Rust, designed to replace webpack. Rsbuild serves as a higher-level wrapper around Rspack, greatly simplifying the configuration process. Let's dive into an example to see just how effortless it is to build a Chrome extension with Rsbuild.

Assuming you're already familiar with Chrome extension development, we'll focus solely on how Rsbuild is different, skipping the basics.

At this point, you can already run the project. Execute yarn dev and you'll see the page. Next, let's transform it into a Chrome extension. This extension will do one simple thing: when the user clicks the extension icon, it opens the built-in page.

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