You know you are dealing with a Kubernetes engineer when the “k“ key on their keyboard has seen better days. At the Glasskube office, you will fin

The guide to kubectl I never had.

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2024-05-07 02:00:05

You know you are dealing with a Kubernetes engineer when the “k“ key on their keyboard has seen better days. At the Glasskube office, you will find spare “k“ keys all over the place, just in case 😄

I’m joking of course. I’m not really sure about what a faded keyboard says about its owner. What I do know for sure is how important kubectl is to anybody who wants to be a proficient Kubernetes administrator.

kubectl is the CLI tool used to communicate to the Kubernetes API it can seem simple at first but can quickly get complicated. So in this blog post, I aim to write the guide I wish I had when I started. Focusing first on command syntax and useful commands, before moving on to the vibrant ecosystem of plugins and tools built to expand the functionalities of kubectl and Kubernetes. Sharing tips and tricks along the way as well as a helpful kubecltl cheatsheet at the end. 📋

This isn’t an article about Kubernetes. K8s is an incredibly vast technology, encompassing numerous concepts, such as various types of Kubernetes objects and their interactions. For this discussion, I'll assume you're familiar with these concepts. Instead, I'll focus specifically on kubectl, its usage, and the tools built around it.

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