There will be no party, no disco. There will be no cake, no clown, no bouncy house for the kids. No Marilyn Monroe cooing the birthday song.  Exactly

How Virtual Reality Died - by Ted Gioia - The Honest Broker

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Style Pass
2024-10-27 20:30:08

There will be no party, no disco. There will be no cake, no clown, no bouncy house for the kids. No Marilyn Monroe cooing the birthday song.

Exactly three years ago, Mark Zuckerberg placed a huge bet on virtual reality. On October 28, 2021, he even changed the name of his company—from Facebook to Meta.

The name Meta is a lasting reminder of the most foolish decision Zuck ever made—even worse than Facemash or those ugly T-shirts.

“Meta’s focus will be to bring the metaverse to life,” the company announced. “In the metaverse,” Zuckerberg bragged, “you'll be able to do almost anything you can imagine."

The interface looks goofy and cartoonish. Instead of entering the gritty, exciting world of Blade Runner, you’re trapped inside a bad episode of Family Guy…..

And users will look creepy too. You need to lock yourself into a headset to get the full benefit of the metaverse—and there’s no way that Zuckerberg can make that look cool. The people who spend hour after hour in his metaverse will be the subject of jokes and mockery….

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