I've met some hugely successful people. Some of them are happy. Some of them... aren't. I've noticed some things about the ones who aren&#

F*ck-That Money - Honeybadger Developer Blog

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2024-06-11 18:00:04

I've met some hugely successful people. Some of them are happy. Some of them... aren't. I've noticed some things about the ones who aren't:

In many circles, these people are way more successful than most of us. They probably have better networks. They might have fancier job titles. They certainly make more money.

The Silicon Valley meme goes, "start a company and sell it for so much money that you can say 'f*ck you' to anyone in the world." Or maybe an alternate career path is to climb the corporate ladder at Google until you've banked that privilege.

I'd rather have f*ck-that money—e.g., a moderate amount of money that empowers you to live a meaningful life. F*ck-that money isn't about being a pretentious asshole; it's about keeping your priorities straight. For example:

At Honeybadger, this mindset has led us to turn down acquisition offers and investors—to stay small and grow naturally. We're not in this business to be rich; we're in it to be free.

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