Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) enhances text generation with a large language model by incorporating fresh domain knowledge stored in an exter

Building Cost-Efficient Enterprise RAG applications with Intel Gaudi 2 and Intel Xeon

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2024-05-10 16:00:09

Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) enhances text generation with a large language model by incorporating fresh domain knowledge stored in an external datastore. Separating your company data from the knowledge learned by language models during training is essential to balance performance, accuracy, and security privacy goals.

In this blog, you will learn how Intel can help you develop and deploy RAG applications as part of OPEA, the Open Platform for Enterprise AI. You will also discover how Intel Gaudi 2 AI accelerators and Xeon CPUs can significantly enhance enterprise performance through a real-world RAG use case.

Before diving into the details, let’s access the hardware first. Intel Gaudi 2 is purposely built to accelerate deep learning training and inference in the data center and cloud. It is publicly available on the Intel Developer Cloud (IDC) and for on-premises implementations. IDC is the easiest way to start with Gaudi 2. If you don’t have an account yet, please register for one, subscribe to “Premium,” and then apply for access.

On the software side, we will build our application with LangChain, an open-source framework designed to simplify the creation of AI applications with LLMs. It provides template-based solutions, allowing developers to build RAG applications with custom embeddings, vector databases, and LLMs. The LangChain documentation provides more information. Intel has been actively contributing multiple optimizations to LangChain, enabling developers to deploy GenAI applications efficiently on Intel platforms.

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