⚖️ ORPO 									 								💻 Fine-tuning Llama 3 with ORPO 									 								Conclusion 									 								References

Fine-tune Llama 3 with ORPO

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2024-04-23 09:30:08

⚖️ ORPO 💻 Fine-tuning Llama 3 with ORPO Conclusion References

ORPO is a new exciting fine-tuning technique that combines the traditional supervised fine-tuning and preference alignment stages into a single process. This reduces the computational resources and time required for training. Moreover, empirical results demonstrate that ORPO outperforms other alignment methods on various model sizes and benchmarks.

In this article, we will fine-tune the new Llama 3 8B model using ORPO with the TRL library. The code is available on Google Colab and in the LLM Course on GitHub.

Instruction tuning and preference alignment are essential techniques for adapting Large Language Models (LLMs) to specific tasks. Traditionally, this involves a multi-stage process: 1/ Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT) on instructions to adapt the model to the target domain, followed by 2/ preference alignment methods like Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) or Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) to increase the likelihood of generating preferred responses over rejected ones.

However, researchers have identified a limitation in this approach. While SFT effectively adapts the model to the desired domain, it inadvertently increases the probability of generating undesirable answers alongside preferred ones. This is why the preference alignment stage is necessary to widen the gap between the likelihoods of preferred and rejected outputs.

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