Haskell for all: Namespaced De Bruijn indices

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2024-10-25 21:00:06

In this post I share a trick I use for dealing with bound variables in Dhall that I thought might be useful for other interpreted programming languages. I have no idea if this trick has been introduced before but if it has then just let me know and I’ll acknowledge any prior art here.

The brief explanation of the trick is: instead of choosing between a named or a nameless representation for bound variables you can get the best of both worlds by namespacing De Bruijn indices by variable names. This simplifies the implementation and in some cases improves the end user’s experience.

The rest of this post is a longer explanation of the above summary, starting with an explanation of the trick and followed by a review of the benefits of this approach.

I’d like to first explain what I mean by “named” and “nameless” representations before I explain the trick.

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