When faced with new goals, it’s easy to jump in with both feet. But having staying power to sustain this initial energy is difficult. Many of us

4 Ways to Manage Your Energy More Effectively

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2021-05-25 11:00:05

When faced with new goals, it’s easy to jump in with both feet. But having staying power to sustain this initial energy is difficult. Many of us may eventually disengage, while others pushing themselves so hard they burn out. Still others might vacillate between the two.

The key to success isn’t starting strong, it’s staying strong. You need to self-regulate. First, set upper and lower boundaries for what you need to do to make progress on a goal in a specified amount of time, like a day or a week. Second, understand how you tend to work — if you work hard and fast to the point of exhaustion, work slowly and find yourself scurrying to the finish line, or somewhere in between — and make adjustments accordingly. Third, building time for rest and recovery based on your work tendency. Finally, create breathing room in your schedule for dedicated work.

Almost anyone can muster enough gumption for a short burst of high-energy effort. Maybe it’s making a shining impression your first few weeks on a job, hitting the gym with fervor at the start of January, or spending a weekend on a remodeling project exhibiting all the peppiness of an HGTV star.

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