The Advice Trap · Musings of an IT Fossil

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2024-10-27 15:00:08

So here you are. Back at the ITF blog, salivating at the mouth, hoping to read some more spicy confessionals bolstered by what I hope is a reasonably accurate sense of anonymity. Fair enough. Today’s confession is this: My advice is worthless.

There, I said it. Man it feels good to publish those words. Now don’t get me wrong, I have been asked for advice a good bit over the years, especially when it comes to tech related subjects. But the truth is: Almost nobody actually takes my advice. Now I can already hear you saying, “Well yeah but free advice typically isn’t worth that much”. Well sure, maybe not. But even when I’m getting paid to proffer it, my advice is generally not taken very often. In fact the cost of the advice seemingly has very little relationship to how seriously the recipient seems to take it.

Perhaps your experiences are different. If so, I hope they are less depressing than mine. Because as it stands right now, I’m really tired of giving out tech advice at all. In fact, I’m so tired of it that I go out of my way to avoid doing it.

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