Brooks' hypothesis in “The Mythical Man Month” is that the nature of software development means that no further “order of magnitude” impro

Ian Cooper - Staccato Signals

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2024-06-24 11:30:02

Brooks' hypothesis in “The Mythical Man Month” is that the nature of software development means that no further “order of magnitude” improvements to productivity remain to be found has proven remarkably solid despite forty years of software history.

Like previous attempts to find a silver bullet such as 4GLs, it does not seem likely that LLMs as a software authoring tool will be succeed. In particular, like 4GLs they suffer from the problem that because software spends most of its life in maintenance, the cost of change makes most improvements to the cost to author irrelevant; in fact, some rapid authoring techniques make maintenance harder and increase the lifetime cost of software.

They can and will add value as an “expert assistant” but this cannot be an order of magnitude improvement due to the fact that it cannot impact the essential complexity only the accidental complexity where no order of magnitude improvement remains to be obtained.

As such whilst AI tools may provide valuable additions to IDEs or other tools used for software development, they will not replace software developers, or the need for high-level languages.

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