In this article I will explain cyanotype for people who are approaching this photographic and artistic technique for the first time. On a trip I made

What cyanotype is

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2024-10-25 19:30:09

In this article I will explain cyanotype for people who are approaching this photographic and artistic technique for the first time.

On a trip I made this summer to Tabarca Island, there was a local art store that worked a lot with cyanotype prints, it is called Tabarca Blue, its owner was explaining to us how it works and what it consists of and it seems to me a simple technique to do at home.

Here are 2 works that they gave me. One made with a seagull feather found on the beach (single print) and the other from an x-ray of Eugerres plumieri.

Cyanotype is a photographic technique or process that produces cyanotypes that are negative copies in this characteristic blue tone, which is called Prussian blue or blueprint in English.

In 1943, the botanist and photographer Anna Atkins published a book of algae cyanotypes, giving the technique a photographic use and also using it as a scientific tool. A link to part of her work.

In addition, you can also see a digital collection of Anna Atkins’ cyanotypes (photographs) at The New York Public Library Collections

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