This post is a little more hasty than some of my others, in the interest of expedience. I hope you’ll bear with the hastily written, poorly edited jumble of thoughts. It will likely be edited and changed.
There are some people who think being right about something gives them a license to do whatever they think should be done about it; a license to act however they see fit in order to right that wrong.
This, of course, is never the case. Doing the wrong thing for the right reason never makes it the right thing. No matter how in-the-right you are, there are some things it never justifies.
Matt Mullenweg appears to be one of those people who believe the ends justify their means, as he’s effectively just dropped a massive bomb on a huge neighborhood, in order to scare its landlords.
Matt has, for far too long, enjoyed unchecked powers at the top of WordPress—powers which are all too often a direct and flagrant conflict of interest. And while we’ve seen this power abused before, we’ve never seen it on this scale.