This page documents how I use the excellent self-hosted web-based Linkding bookmark manager on Apple iPhone and iPad (which I will collectively refer to as “iOS” moving forward.) You can use or adapt this information to improve your own iOS experience with Linkding or any other tool that consumes URLs, for both web-based tools as well as native apps via Apple Shortcuts.
Although it’s great that native iOS app Linkding client options exist, I prefer to use Linkding’s built-in web UI rather than native client apps for the following reasons:
To that end, I’ve devised ways to invoke Linkding’s web views when both adding and editing bookmarks as well as searching and browsing existing bookmarks that feel faster and more frictionless to me than using native apps to perform those tasks.
I’ve created the following Apple Shortcut that’s useful for adding and editing bookmarks using Linkding’s web view: Add to Linkding Shortcut