PractRand is a random number generator test suite, somewhat like the DIEHARDER and NIST tests I’ve written about before, but more demanding. Ra

Testing RNGs with PractRand

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Style Pass
2023-05-29 10:30:03

PractRand is a random number generator test suite, somewhat like the DIEHARDER and NIST tests I’ve written about before, but more demanding.

Rather than running to completion, it runs until it a test fails with an infinitesimally small p-value. It runs all tests at a given sample size, then doubles the sample and runs the tests again.

A while back I wrote about looking for an RNG that would fail the NIST test suite and being surprised that a simple LCG (linear congruential generator) did fairly well. PractRand, however, dismisses this generator with extreme prejudice:

I don’t recall the last time I saw a p-value of exactly zero. Presumably the p-value was so small that it underflowed to zero.

Next let’s see how some well-regarded 64-bit random number generators do. We’ll look at xorshift128+ and xoroshir0128+ by Sebastiano Vigna and David Blackman, the famous Mersenne Twister, and PCG by Melissa O’Neill.

The numbers generated by xhoroshir0128+ and xorshift128+ are not random in the least significant bit and so the PractRand tests end quickly. The authors claim that xoroshiro128+ “passes the PractRand test suite up to (and included) 16TB, with the exception of binary rank tests.” I’ve only run PractRand with its default settings; I have not tried getting it to keep running the rest of the tests.

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