Battle for Dream Island (BFDI) is an animated web series on YouTube which according to Business Insider, is created by Chinese-American twin brothers Cary and Michael Huang, and which is described as an "item show" by eSports media Sportskeeda.[1][2][3]
According to a press release, the Battle For Dream Island web series is created by Jacknjellify, which is an animated YouTube channel owned by Cary and Michael Huang and was created on February 4, 2008. A Know Your Meme article stated that the web series premiered for the first time on January 1, 2010. Other employees of Jacknjellify included Samuel Thornbury, who has been described as working as an animation director and is pivotal in terms of content creation, such as having the web episode "BFDI:TPOT 9: Outbreak At Stake" to achieve IMDB rating of 9.2/10, while the release of "BFDI:TPOT 6: The Great Goikian Bake-Off" in theaters at Los Angeles and New York City reportedly drew large audiences. Other web series by the channel reportedly include Battle for BFDI and BFDI: The Power of Two.[4][5]
Reportedly, according to another press release, Jacknjellify have plans to expand theatric screening locations to Australia, Canada, and United Kingdom.[6] A popular interactive visualization tool by creators of the series is The Scale of the Universe[7][8][9] and was featured on NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day,[10] and inspired the Kurzgesagt app "Universe in a Nutshell".[11] This led to the International Astronomical Union naming minor planet 10003 Caryhuang after one of them.[9]